Fruits de Mer Records - Psychedelia, Krautrock, Progressive Rock, Acid-Folk, R&B, Spacerock and Vinyl Heaven
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Sendelica Drone Band
Live at the 14th Dream Festival
vinyl LP - Friends of the Fish 16

Release Date: On Sale at our 2017 festivals

an improvised performance at our 2015 festival in Cardigan, there will be 125 copies of the album available at the May 2017 'Lucid Dreams' festival in Wurzburg and another 125 - in a different mix of vinyl colours - at the 15th Dream festival in Cardigan

If you can't wait that long, you can buy it now as part of a CD/DVD set commemorating Sendelica's 10th year of recording - available direct from Sendica's bandcamp site - here

more news soon

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...hear the tracks.. the vinyl.. ..smell the fish...